Terms of Enrollment

"The Piano Tuner/Technician Course" includes study materials, instructional videos, and written exam support via emails. Tools can be purchased separately from Schaff Piano Supply (or another supply house). Additional email support and Zoom tutoring sessions can be purchased separately.

By enrolling in the school, you agree to abide by all the standards and policies outlined by The Butler School of Piano Technology.

You further accept and agree that you will not in any way or form copy, reproduce, or share with anyone any written material, the Video Library, or any other form of the material provided by and received from the Butler School of Piano Technology as operated by Richard James Butler, Jr. and agents and representatives of Richard James Butler, Jr. Any materials provided by Butler School of Piano will be limited to your personal use and benefit solely. There will be no refund of tuition fees if a student withdraws from the course.

Kate Therrien, RPT


Enroll with Kate

Maggie Jusiel, RPT, CTE


Enroll with Maggie

Rick Butler, RPT, CTE, TEC

Founder and Instructor

Not accepting new students at this time