Improve your Aural Piano Tuning skills!

Develop your aural piano tuning skills with personalized instruction from an experienced aural tuning teacher!
There are numerous electronic options for tuning pianos today. In nearly every regard, tuning a piano with a machine seems to be the preferred option for most piano tuners. It places less strain on the brain and ears. However, do you really want to confine yourself to visual methods when the very essence of piano sound relates to our ears?
Many find the process of tuning by ear very enjoyable. There’s something about bringing musical harmony to an out-of-tune piano with your own mind and ears! It requires you to solve musical and mathematical puzzles. You have to figure out how to make all the intervals relate to one another in a way that truly inspires.
If you want to sharpen your listening skills and learn to tune by ear at a high level, I can help. I not only have experience as an aural tuner, but I also have experience teaching aural tuning. I also have experience helping tuners develop a strategy for passing the PTG Tuning exam.

Rick Butler, RPT, CTE, TEC, served as one of the Concert Artist Technicians for Steinway & Sons in Washington, D.C., for many years. His service as a concert technician includes many years with the National Symphony Orchestra, the Kennedy Center, the Washington Performing Arts Society, and the White House.
He has also lectured at local, regional, and national meetings of the Piano Technicians Guild on tuning, voicing, regulation, and various aspects of Rebuilding. Rick is a Certified Tuning (CTE) and Technical (TEC) Examiner for the Piano Technicians Guild. As such, he administers the Guild's written, tuning, and technical examinations.
His teaching experience is extensive, and through his school, he has helped many to become certified as a “Registered Piano Technician” member of the Piano Technicians Guild.