The Butler School of Piano Technology
Piano Tuning School
Learn Piano Tuning at your own pace!

Maggie Jusiel
While a student at Concord University, Maggie became very interested in acoustics and the physics involved with musical instruments and enthusiastically pursued information on the subject. Since pianos have inharmonicity problems not always found in other instruments, there were books specifically devoted to the physics and history of pianos. After reading these, she became fascinated with the history of temperaments and what was involved with setting temperaments in pianos and other instruments.
When she was fortunate enough to become a McNair Scholar, she used their resources further to pursue her interest in acoustics and music theory. She started a pre-graduate thesis on acoustics but eventually settled and completed one related to music theory. Although less directly related to piano tuning, this further helped her understand harmony and how important it is for certain overtones to line up to attain an aesthetically pleasing sound.
Her husband learned basic aural tuning from a piano technician at the Cincinnati Baldwin factory before completing his doctorate in music theory and composition at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. He taught her what he knew in the late 90s and got her started in the field of piano tuning by 2002. She learned more about tuning, regulation, voicing, and repair from members of the Piano Technicians Guild, which she joined in 2004. She spent time at the Yamaha factory in California to gain Disklavier service certification in March of 2008 and piano regulation certification in May of 2010. She became a Certified Aural Tuner through the Butler School of Piano Technology and a Registered Piano Technician with the Piano Technician's Guild in August 2020.
In 2021, Maggie began working with the Butler School of Piano Technology as a teacher, tutor, or assistant. She is working on a YouTube series: Music Theory for Piano Technicians.
Her satisfied customers include The Ahn Trio, Leon Bates, Fran Bellin, Chris Brubeck, Freddy Cole, Lynn Mackey, Pianafiddle (Adam DeGraff), The Preservation Hall Jazz Band, and the Vienna Boys Choir.